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In The Media

Salon: Can't Pay Your Taxes? Here's What to Do Thumbnail

Salon: Can't Pay Your Taxes? Here's What to Do

"If you don't make a payment on those taxes within 30 days, you're going to get a letter from the IRS. It says, 'Hi, you owe X number of dollars. You haven't paid them yet.' But it will come in a letter. I want to emphasize the IRS is never going to reach out to you by phone," said Rob Burnette, CEO, investment advisor representative and professional tax preparer at Outlook Financial Center.

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WHIO-TV: 2024 Tax Season Thumbnail

WHIO-TV: 2024 Tax Season

Rob Burnette, the CEO of Outlook Financial Planning in Troy said that this time of year is when they’re busiest. “We usually forgo sleep. That’s the standard joke in our industry,” Burnette said.

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CBS MoneyWatch: How is Gold Taxed? Thumbnail

CBS MoneyWatch: How is Gold Taxed?

However, timing matters. Rob Burnette, investment advisor representative at Outlook Financial Center, points out that selling gold stocks within a year means your profits get taxed as ordinary income instead of at the lower long-term capital gains rates.

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